“St. Mochta’s is a young and developing faith community, which is conscious of its proud and ancient history, and seeks to be a welcoming and spirited Parish in the service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
(Parish Mission Statement)
Welcome to the parish of St Mochta’s. If you are a new parishioner or just visiting, you are very welcome and we, the existing community, hope you feel at home. If you are new to the parish please make yourself known to Fr Paul and he looks forward to meeting you. St Mochta’s Parish invites you to register with the parish by filling out a parish registration form which you can download here or it is available at the back of the church.
To register with our Parish please download the form, complete and return to Fr Paul or the Parish Office. {cidoc}registrationform.pdf|Click here to download a Parish Registration Form{/cidoc}
{cidoc}directionsandmap.pdf|Click here to get a map and directions{/cidoc}