Parish Life

“Christ has no body now on earth but yours,

no hands but yours, not feet but yours,

yours are the eyes through which Christ looks with compassion on the world,

yours are the feet through which he is to go about doing good,

yours are the hands with which he is to bless all now.”

(St. Teresa of Avila)

St. Mochta’s Parish is not a group of ‘holier-than-thou’ people set apart from the world. We are very much in the world and for the world – and yet for us there is more to life than just the values, goals and achievements of this world. Our lives are constantly unsettled by the probing challenge of the Gospel, yet our happiness lies in precisely following that demanding call to walk in the steps of Christ.

We are not an army marching in formation, but more like a group of travellers in a desert. It is a journey of hope and expectation. During the journey we are called to help bring life to that desert, the world. We, the Church, as the livng Body of Christ in the world, have been entrusted with the world.

Since Christ has entrusted his Church to all of us, to live and preach his gospel of justice, love and peace, we are called to deepen our own trust in his Spirit and in each other.

This section of our website contains some of the ways we try to be ‘Church’ – the living Body of Christ in the world.