The Role of the Finance Committee:
The Finance Committee is the chief advisory body to the Parish Priest on financial matters pertaining to the Parish. It is the Finance Committee’s responsibility to develop the annual budget, monitor its execution throughout the year and advise the Parish Priest and the Pastoral Council on all matters pertaining to finance. The Finance Committee meets monthly to review balance sheets, income/expense statements and cash flow reports. The Finance Committee also oversees and produces annual reports for both the Archdiocese and the parish. Church law (Canon 537) requires each parish to have a Finance Committee and it serves on a par with the Parish Pastoral Council in the overall advisory leadership of the parish.
Financially Supporting Your Parish: The Parish Offering
A big thank you to all those who support the Parish Offering. This is the only source of income for the running of the parish. At the moment just over 300 support the Parish Offering. Thank you for your continued generosity. If you would like to join the Parish Offering and help support the parish financially please see Fr. John or fill out one of the Registration Forms and return it to the Parish Office.
To join our Parish Offering by standing order, please click here
There are three ways by which you can contribute to the Parish Offering.
- Standing Order at you bank. This is both convenient and secure, as well as being the least troublesome for all concerned.
- Periodic cheque/cash payments – i.e. quarterly, half yearly or annually. I can arrange for the office to send you reminders as required.
- Monthly Envelope contributions. You are given a box of envelopes for this purpose. However due to the present difficulty of finding Collectors to gather the envelopes in many areas of the Parish, we generally have to rely on people to deliver them to the Parish.
To join our Parish Offering by standing order, please click here
The Parish Finance Committee Members are:
Jonathan McNulty
Fr Paul Ward
Alan Rogers