ACCORD Dublin continues to provide marriage preparation courses for couples in the diocese. Despite having had to cancel 26 courses between March and July, we were able to reschedule the majority of our couples, and for those whose weddings are going ahead during this period, we are delivering individual courses via Zoom. Our team of experienced facilitators is being assisted by 3 priests and a deacon. The feedback from these courses has been overwhelmingly positive. We can reassure you that any coupled referred to us will be taken care of to our usual high standard. For further information please contact:
“The Church should promote better and more intensive programmes of marriage preparation in order to eliminate as far as possible the difficulties that many couples find themselves in, and even more in order to favour positively the establishing and maturing of successful marriages”.
Familiaris Consortio,
Apostolic Exhortation on the Family
Attending a Marriage Preparation Course gives couples time together to focus on their relationship. They will be introduced to skills that will and qualities that may help you meet your high expectations of married life. They will meet other couples and will be able to discuss issues with them that are relevant to this stage of your relationship. All this will take place in an atmosphere that is encouraging. Courses are delivered by facilitators who are married themselves.
Marriage Preparation courses usually explore family of origin and self-awareness, commitment, conflict resolution, communication skills, church and children. Recent research shows that understanding family background can make a difference to a relationship. A couple who have an open, honest way of communicating with each other are less likely to find conflict resolution a problem. Planning your life together and later there with children will require flexibility and compromise.
Click on the following links to find the most suitable course for you:
ACCORD at Phone: 478 4400;
Mount Argus at 2694257.
Interchurch Pre-Marriage Course, please contact Accord Embrace at 4784400 or